Wednesday, October 17, 2012

female contained a single embryo. Based on data collected in Central America and Mexico, it seems that in this species mating begins in late December. Sexually mature females taken between January and June are likely to be gravid or lactating; no gravid females have been reported from late June through January.


Little data on the breeding habits of Mormoops in Texas are available. In Big Bend National Park two pregnant females, each containing a single embryo, were captured in mid-June. Lactating females have been captured there from mid-June to early August. In Coahuilla and Nuevo Leon, two Mexican states bordering Texas, gravid females have been captured in March, April, and May.

Monday, October 1, 2012

ghost faced bat

 They forage on insects while in flight, and generally hunt for insects high above the ground instead of near foliage or water.
Predators include owls, snakes, and hawks.
Mating occurs in early winter with one pup being born in late May or early June.
Life Span
 It is assumed that they live around 20 years in the wild.
Their weight ranges from 0.45-0.70 ounces. Their wingspan is 14-15 inches
                  Ghost-faced bats are typically found in desert scrub habitat roosting in caves, abandoned mines, tunnels and old buildings.